


Jack Links asked us to help connect their brand with snowboarding. After a couple quick calls to a few pro snowboarders (and the help of a mythological creature) we created this instant classic which generated a ton of love online for the brand.


Mazda 3 x Canada Snowboard Commercial


Mazda and Canada Snowboard have been partnered together to support Canada’s Olympic snowboard team for years—they approached us about filming a commercial spot that would help celebrate that partnership and the launch of their AWD Mazda3 in a way that would resonate with snowboarders. So we said, jokingly, “Sure, let’s just use the Mazda3 to film snowboarding? It’s AWD, surely it can drive down a mountainside.” Well, turns out it actually can drive down a mountain, and the concept for this spot was born! We generated the concept from scratch, worked with the client’s agency to bring it to life on budget, sourced talent and took care of every aspect of the project from pre-production to the finished product. Not only that, but we delivered hundreds of thousands of views on the spot through our channels as well.
